The concept for this little cuttlefish came to me right as I was falling asleep several months ago. I jolted up in bed and wrote down a few quick notes in my phone before drifting off. This week I was digging through my notes and happened upon my midnight idea et voilà! A particularly effective fly for sea bass and cod fishing, the cuttlefish is a fun alternative to squid patterns and those Fulling Mill eyes take this marine mollusc to the next level!
Fly: Cuttlefish
Tied by: Erin Hyde
Foundation derived from: Jobina of JC Flies and Henkie Altena
Target Species: Sea bass, cod
- Hook (#1)
- Thread
- Weight (.035mm)
- Rattle: Hareline 3mm glass rattle
- Body (iridescent white)
- Head (white): Just add H20 Sculpting Flash Fibre
- Flash
- Tentacles
- Markers
- Eye bar/mantle (2mm white)
- Eyes (7mm)
- Head accent (tan)
- Fins
- Mantle pattern
- Superglue (securing wraps)
- Thick superglue (fin to mantle)
- Extreme glue (mantle to body)
- Flex UV resin (head / over feather on mantle)
- UV topcoat (feather to mantle)
Huge thank you to Renomed for the scissors used to make this fly! ✂️
Video/Photo Setup:
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